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  • Join us for the Foundations For Profit Workshop Series!

    Don't just work in your business, work on your business. Spanning three key areas that can make a sizable difference in business development and employee retention, the Foundations For Profit Workshop Series will help you grow your business. 




    Protecting Your Workforce


    • April 12 - What Builders & Remodelers Need to know About Changes to Home Construction Services Suppliers Act (HCSSA)

            Speakers, Nick Horrigan & Cesare Piermarini, Attorneys with Harpst Becker

               -Ohio's Consumer Sales Practices Act (CSPA) v. Home Construction Service Suppliers Act (HCSSA)?

               -How will recent changes in Ohio law affect the residential construction industry?

               -What do changes in the law mean for residential remodelers?

               -What can builders and remodelers do to protect themselves?

    • May 3 - Safety: Retain, Recruit & ROI

               Speaker, Deb Bailey, Safety Consultant with OBWC

                -Understand how a culture of safety is a tool for employee retention and recruitment. 

                -See how safety impacts the bottom line!

    • May 24 - Marijuana in the Workplace

    ​           Speakers, Monica Wallace, Attorney with Harpst Becker & Deb Bailey, Safety Consultant with OBWC

                -Learn how to manage marijuana in the workplace from the legal, OSHA and OBWC perspectives. 



  • Who Should Attend:

    Builders, Remodelers, Subcontractors and anyone driving the success of a business. 



    Foundations for Profit
    A 3-Session Workshop:

    Protecting Your Workforce


    • April 12
    • May 3
    • May 24


    All 3 sessions are virtual
    Zoom link will be provided upon registration


    8:30-9:30 a.m. 
    Includes Q&A

  •      Presented By  

    Do you have a home that will be finished between now and Fall 2024?

    Don't forget about the Parade of Homes! In person and virtual tours available.

    Check out hbaParadeofHomes.com for a glimpse at one of our many marketing avenues.

    October 5-6 & 12-13